Skin Vision

Protect Yourself from Skin Cancer

When was the last time you checked your skin spots? I remember going to the dermatologist 1-year ago for the first time at the age of 39 . . . How could it have taken me that long to have my skin checked? I’m fair skinned with freckles and moles.

It wasn’t until I moved to the Gold Coast 1-year ago and during the move, I noticed that a mole on my chest was bleedingNot only was it painful but it freaked me out because I knew I hadn’t stayed on top of checking my skin spots and of course I have a brilliant excuse (cough cough)… I put my career first and my health second. I was too busy to organise an appointment with a dermatologist, it was hard enough just getting to the doctor for scripts.

I had only been here for 2 days and I got an appointment to go to the dermatologist to get my bleeding mole checked. Thankfully it was bleeding because I had rubbed and knocked it in the physical move and they needed to remove it, on the spot with a pair of scissors snip (ouch). It could have turned out a lot worse for me though, but sadly for others,there can be a different outcome. In fact; 2 in 3 Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer by the age of 70.

So, is there something in-between that can help us stay on top of checking our skin spots? To make it a part of our regular routine without having to rush to the dermatologist each time we are concerned about a spot? Yes, and this solution has already detected over 50,000 skin cancers.

I was approached to try the SkinVision skin cancer detection app and it truly is a game changer. The app scans your skin spots and within 30 seconds you have a result and recommendation. SkinVision is TGA approved, clinically validated by dermatologists, and can detect the most common signs of skin cancer with up to 95% sensitivity in less than 30 seconds.

Looking after our health shouldn’t be a chore or a second thought. Given the scary statistics surrounding skin cancer it’s not something we can ignore. we spend so much time in the sun, not only as adults, but you need to remember a lot of the damage was done when we were kids and carries through.I know you remember the pain of being a burnt lobster from the fun family trips away. If there is an option to help you stay on top of checking your skin spots without having to go to the dermatologist to check skin spots that you’re not sure about, why not try it? Dermatologists are incredibly important in this process and this app doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go . . . but it can put your mind at ease or point you towards the dermatologist if you’re worried about a skin spot. You can also monitor the same skin spots to see if they change, the app even sets reminders to check.

Keep yourself and your family safe

SkinVision | Skin Cancer Melanoma Detection App | SkinVision