Skin Vision

Protect Yourself from Skin Cancer

When was the last time you checked your skin spots? I remember going to the dermatologist 1-year ago for the first time at the age of 39 . . . How could it have taken me that long to have my skin checked? I’m fair skinned with freckles and moles. It wasn’t until I moved
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Body Positivity is Vital

I recently wrote an article for Body+Soul on embracing our bodies and being body positive, women are more than their bodies and it’s time we stopped obsessing over them.
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My WHO Magazine 10-Week Best Body Reboot

If you’re going to start a new chapter in your life you need to do that as the ‘Best Version of You’ and after 3.20am wake-ups since the start of the year I knew my health had become second priority. I have put on 10kg and I feel unhealthy, the day I resigned was the
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Mel Black Outfit 1

I’ve Moved to Sydney

Nearly 3 years ago I moved to Wollongong as a Married woman and was getting ready to implant Embryos to try and start our little Coastal Family, but for most of us we discover that life has a different plan in mind and I’m now divorced and won’t be having kids. That left me 36
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Huge Announcement for Endometriosis Sufferers

Dear Endo Sisters, Today our pleas were heard, today is a huge step forward in ending the silence on the Chronic Condition that affects 1 in 10 women and it doesn’t discriminate. It affects High profile women such as Olympian Swimmer Emily Seebohm, Emma Watkins the Yellow Wiggle or even one of the worlds biggest
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How much sleep do you actually get a night?

I work in breakfast radio and to any other shift worker that finds themselves waking up at 3.30am you’d feel my pain in having constant unsettled sleeps. It’s always such a challenge to fall asleep at the right time and it’s vital you nail 6hrs of sleep, but you never quite remember when you fall
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Mel Black Outfit 7

I ruined our first date

I met a guy recently and he is pretty damn awesome so I’m going to put it down to being out of practise and having a few nerves . . . it takes me back to high school where I just couldn’t get the racquet and ball to connect . . . I had a
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Troll Free Day March 16th 2018

Did you know that Australia is the Number One Country in the World for Cyber-Bullying? Enough is enough we have an epidemic on our hands and it’s getting worse. 1 in 4 children are cyber-bullied and it’s no coincidence that suicide is still the biggest killer of our young people. I created Troll Free Day
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That’s the Love I Want

When you’re 35 and divorced you look back on your dating life and compare the love you had in each relationship and you realise you never really did have that unconditional burning love, those moments where you instantly knew you wanted to be together. I know true love exists because I’ve heard the tales and
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Troll Free Day March 17th 2017

@harry#@*& to @melgreigradio MURDERER. That was said to me over and over again for 2 years and that was at the ‘nicer’ end of the scale of abuse. So what does go through the mind of someone that takes the time to write abuse to a complete stranger? I wanted to find out so I
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When women take charge

Even though I just returned from Hawaii, I found myself with another week of impending holidays. Holidays that I had booked in at the start of the year so I could spend time in Adelaide implanting for my first child with my husband, we were hoping the timing would fall on his 30th birthday which
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Troll Free Day 2016

“I’ve made a noose Mel and it belongs around your neck, I can’t wait to watch you take your last breath.” “I’m going to gut you like the pig that you are.” “Eye for an eye, I’m coming for you and your mum.” “You are a fat ugly whore, I’m going to show your husband
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My annual Endo dash to the hospital

I was waiting to do a blog on Endometriosis for the worldwide day of awareness on Saturday March 19th but given my weekend consisted of a mad dash to the emergency room, I’m bringing my rant forward. Saturday morning I felt an Endo flare up coming on, this normally starts with a bloated belly full
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I’m returning to radio

PRESS RELEASE Mel Greig returns to Radio to join the Wave FM Team in Wollongong in January Station Manager Tony Williams: We are delighted to announce that Mel Greig will be joining the Wave FM Breakfast Show with Travis Winks in 2016. Over the past few weeks we have spent time with Mel and have
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Dear Mums

To all the mums, I’m dedicating the next few minutes to you and I want to explain something to you through the eyes of a daughter. Let’s get this straight, we love our dads that goes without saying but we need to talk about the incredible bond between a mother and daughter. You are the
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Mental Health Week – Words can hurt

As we head into Mental Health Week, I think it’s important we remember that words can HURT. I was reminded of that myself last week when I was too honest with sharing my opinions and observations and upset someone, I want to bring out the best in people and I was disappointed in myself for
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“Do women need to make hard choices to get ahead?”

On Wednesday I was involved in the Australian Institute of Management’s International Women’s Day debate team, I was a part of the affirmative team alongside two incredible women Wendy Tuohy and Sara James. We debated over whether or not “Women needed to make hard choices to get ahead” ABSO-FRIGGEN-LUTLEY . . . Here’s why. When
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The day I felt happiness again.

Never Give Up

Today I reached a milestone, I hit the 10kg mark in my weight loss journey which I refer to as “Operation Double Chin” I still have 4kg to go until I’m at the weight I was before I lost my identity. For me losing the 14kg I have put on in the past 22 months
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A message from Mel

This week I am in the UK to be a guest speaker at Radio Festival 2014 which is a 3 day Industry Event. I am here so people can learn from the tragic event that is known as the “Royal Hoax” call and to urge all media organisations and hospitals to review their procedures and
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